Ampere’s Circuital Law

Edited By: MENIIT Team | Updated on Jul 23, 2024 10:34 AM GMT+0000 | # Physics

This law is useful in finding the magnetic field due to currents under certain conditions of symmetry. Consider a closed plane curve enclosing some current-carrying conductors.


Where I = total current (algebraic sum) crossing the area.


As a simple application of this law, we can derive the magnetic induction due to a long straight wire carrying current I.

Suppose the magnetic induction at point P, distant R from the wire is required.

Draw the circle through P with centre O and radius R.


Example :

Write equation for Ampere’s circuital law for the Amperian loop shown (traversed in the direction shown by arrow marks put on it).

Magnetic field inside a long straight current carrying conductor (at a point distant r from axis of the conductor)

Again, we choose a loop of radius r as Amperian loop and choose direction of integration as anticlockwise.


Magnetic Field Inside a Hollow Straight Current Carrying Conductor (at a Distance r from Axis of the Loop)

For the chosen Amperian loop (or radius r), current enclosed is zero.


Hence, there is no magnetic field inside a hollow current carrying conductor.

Magnetic Field Due to An Infinite Plane Sheet of Current


An infinite sheet of current lies in x-z plane, carrying current along – z-axis. The field at any point P on y-axis is along a line parallel to x-z plane. We can take a rectangular Amperian loop as shown. If you traverse the loop in clockwise direction, inward current will be positive, by sign convention.


Example :

Consider a system of two long coaxial cylinders : Solid (of radius a carrying i current in positive z direction) and hollow (of radius b carrying current i in negative z direction). Find the magnetic field at a point distant r from axis of the cylinders for
  1. r ≤ a
  2. a < r < b
  3. r ≥ b

Solution :

Magnetic Field Inside a Long Solenoid

A solenoid is a wire wound closely in the form of a helix, such that the adjacent turns are electrically insulated.

The magnetic field inside a very tightly wound long solenoid is uniform everywhere along the axis of the solenoid and is zero outside it.


Magnetic Field at a Point on The Axis of a Short Solenoid

Consider a solenoid of length l and radius R containing N closely spaced turns and carrying a steady current I. We have to find out an expression for the magnetic field at an axial point P lying in the space enclosed by the solenoid as shown in the figure below.


The field at a point on the axis of a solenoid can be obtained by the superposition of fields due to a large number of identical coils all having their centre on the axis of the solenoid.

Let us consider a coil of width dx at a distance x from the point P on the axis of the solenoid. The field at P due to this coil is given by


If n be the number of turns per unit length, dN = ndx.

From the above figure,


Now consider some cases involving the application of above equation.

Case I : If the solenoid is of infinite length and the point is well inside the solenoid, solenoid-case-I

Case II : If the solenoid is of infinite length and the point is near one end


Case III : If the solenoid is of finite length and the point is on the perpendicular bisector of its axis



Magnetic Field of a Toroid

A toroid is a solenoid bent to form a ring. Let N be the total number of turns. For an Amperian loop of radius r,


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